Category: Observations

Welcome to My Writer’s Sketchpad

Ruminations is where I share works in progress. Please follow the pointers below to learn more about me and the stories you’ll find on these pages. Thank you for visiting. Please return and tell a friend.

Who is Tom Abate and what does he write about?

Eclectic notions arising from my experiences and observations.

Stories and commentary based on research, interviews, and observations.

Satire, fiction, humor, and advice from the Dead Blogger’s Society.

Experiences and events that formed my character and inform my work and beliefs.


Updated date: February 5th, 2024

When Mom gave me a gift on her birthday

A word to the wise: never forget the woman who gave you every opportunity in life.

Feb. 3, 2024 -- My mother would have been 89 today had she lived. I was at her side five years ago when she breathed her last. Of all my memories of Mom, my fondest is the birthday visit I paid her 50 years ago that changed my life. I was 19 and had progressed mechanically through grammar and high school and had gotten through my first year at New York University before I lost momentum and dropped out. I...
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April 4, 2023

Musings from a day at the dentist’s

Care for your teeth today, or you’ll regret it for eternity.

I’ve had several teeth pulled in my 68 years and I’m loath to lose another. My recent annual checkup gave me five hours in which to contemplate how modern dentistry can rescue us from bad habits by repairing our magnificent molars. My epiphany began when the dentist displayed my X-rays on a wall-mounted TV. Using a stylus on a touchscreen laptop, the dentist circled and then drew arrows toward two back teeth. The marks appeared on the TV to highlight...
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Updated date: December 22nd, 2022
icon - reflections observations

Has it really been 50 years since high school?

A chatty and informal reminiscence shared at a 50th reunion.

(Regis High School is a Jesuit-run institution for Catholic boys in the New York area who take an exam to win four-year scholarships. Other than removing some names I made no alterations. Tom) I’ll arrive at the reunion on the red eye from San Francisco, after watching the youngest of my three children graduate high school. What a long, strange trip it’s been! Let me recap the last 50 years. After Regis, I spent a year at NYU before dropping...
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Updated date: December 22nd, 2022
icon - reflections observations

If you figure out how to build an H-bomb, can the government declare it a secret?

U.S. law said the basic principle behind the bomb were “born secret” and could not be disclosed under any circumstances. A student newspaper challenged that.

(This article first appeared in a special edition to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Daily Californian, campus newspaper of the University of California, Berkeley.) In June and September 1979, The Daily Californian published two stories that blew open a national debate over whether Americans could face criminal charges for publishing the basic principles behind the hydrogen bomb. In between the first and second scoops, the paper narrowly avoided bankruptcy. The Daily Cal had stumbled into a controversy that began...
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